Tea, Cake and Poppies

img_9199Held on the day before Armistice Day, the November ‘In the Ballroom’ gathering at the Jury Street Court House heard how the poppy came to be chosen for the Remembrance symbol, and how the modern poppies are produced, in an illustrated talk by Assistant Town Clerk, Trudy Ashmore.

In the Ballroom is a new informal social club which meets once a month on a Thursday in the restored Regency ballroom, for tea, cake and conversation.  

These gatherings are organised by the Town Council and volunteers from Unlocking Warwick. Each month there will be a talk by a local expert or a group activity.

The next ‘In the Ballroom’ will be on Thursday 1st December from 2pm to 4.30pm with a pre-img_9197Christmas theme which may well involve joining in with some carol-singing.

In the New Year the Thursday afternoon teas will be served on 5th January and 2nd February and every month after that. So feel free to drop in for a cuppa, a slice of nice cake, and the chance to make some new friends.