Photos of Court House Drama at May 5th Open Day!
On Bank Holiday Monday May 5th the Court House in Warwick held an open day for people to look round the newly refurbished building and learn about its history.
As part of the Heritage Lottery funded Unlocking Warwick project a group of volunteers have researched, written and acted out dramatic scenes from real Court House cases in 1851.
The drama was performed three times during the day to packed audiences whose enthusiastic reception was exceeded only by the actors spirited and skilful renditions.
A big thank you to all involved in the day – what a great success!
The drama will be performed again at the official opening of the Court House on the 19th and 20th of September.
If you’d like to get involved in volunteering at the Court House or just find out more then please get in touch via this website or the Visitor Centre at the Court House on 01926 492212.
Here’s a selection of photos of the drama in progress on the day…………..