Warwick Stories
These stories about the history of Warwick come from a variety of sources, including your own ones and our research into the archives.
The Jitty
Have you noticed the narrow alley between numbers 28 and 30 West Street, Warwick? It has been known... more»
Sheep in the Road!
A group of residents living in West Street are researching the history of the buildings in this old... more»
The Story of the War Memorial
In the centenary year of the World War One Armistice, Unlocking Warwick has launched a major... more»
Memories of Warwick
Lyn Smith has always lived in Warwick. Her father-in-law owned Jim Smith’s Greengrocer Shop... more»
The Ball by Becky
Becky Hemsley who works at the County Records Office went to the Warwick Christmas Regency Ball in... more»