Old cellars and boiler found at back of Court House

In April work to create new access to the rear of the Court House and the Yeomanry museum in the basement extended back from the building to uncover old cellars. The cellars appear to have been mainly for coal and contained an old cast iron structure which can be seen to the right in the picture below.

Old cellar spaces to the rear of the Court House

On removal of the cast iron ‘thing’ it became apparent that it was in fact an old central heating boiler that would have had a coal fire burning in the space under it. Since the rear of the building was expanded and rebuilt in the 1850’s the cellars and boiler are almost certainly from that period. A further cellar running under the entrance to the Pageant Garden had a coal chute running from Castle Street.

An old central heating boiler found in the cellar at the rear of the Court House.